History and Milestones of Our 10 Years of Growth and Success


Centre East Catholic School Council


Project Overview

CECCE, committed to inclusive education as part of its strategic plan, partnered with Roth IAMS to conduct accessibility audits for selected schools within its portfolio. These audits aimed to identify barriers to accessibility and pave the way for improvements aligning with the Board’s mission to create an inclusive learning environment.

Project Scope

Roth IAMS was tasked with conducting accessibility audits for both elementary and secondary schools within the CECCE portfolio. The primary objective was to identify
accessibility barriers in the built environment using the EDU format. The audits aimed to assess paths of travel and amenities, ensuring compliance with barrier-free design standards prescribed by the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA).

Key Deliverables & Constraints

The audits were conducted using conventional and electronic measuring devices to assess factors such as distance, slope, and pressure. An accessibility practitioner proficient in French was deployed due to CECCE’s status as the largest French-language school board outside of Quebec. The deliverables included a comprehensive report highlighting non-compliance areas accompanied by a photo log. Adherence to COVID safety guidelines was paramount throughout the project to ensure the safety of all involved.


The collaboration between CECCE and Roth IAMS exemplifies the positive impact of proactive accessibility assessments in educational settings. By identifying and addressing accessibility barriers, CECCE took significant strides towards creating an inclusive learning environment for its diverse student population.

Project Type

Accessibility Assessments

Project Dates

March 2023 to September 2023