History and Milestones of Our 10 Years of Growth and Success

Asset Data Collection

Asset Data Collection

Roth IAMS’ team of experts has completed over 22,000 Building Condition Assessments for both public and private clients for the last 20 years. We tailor our scope of work and the data gathered to align with each client’s unique business and project needs. We have full-time staff across all disciplines to complete a detailed facility assessment for any asset class.

Roth IAMS utilizes our SLAM Asset Management software tools to collect and report on the data that can also be licenses by clients to support their on-going capital and asset management planning.

Facility Condition Assessments (FCA)

Consistent and defensible data is the foundation of a prioritized multiyear capital renewal plan. Whether you are doing your first Facility Condition Assessment (FCA) or are doing your third or fourth round of FCA updates, it is vital that you have data you can trust and defend.

As veterans in the FCAs world, we continue to focus on collaborating with each of our clients to tailor the scope of work to deliver the data they need. By maintaining our adherence to the ASTM standard, but layering on client-specific needs and inputs, our clients tell us that the data that we provide is easier to leverage and provides greater value.

We focus intensely on collaboration throughout the project, from customization at the project outset to pre-assessment questionnaires and interviews, engagement of site escorts and client review of draft reports. In our experience the additional investment in this collaboration more than pays for itself in the value you get from an enhanced FCA dataset.

Infrastructure Condition Assessments

Accessibility Assessments

When we started Roth IAMS, we recognized the need to assist clients in their efforts to provide an inclusive environment that would address the abilities of all their staff and patrons. To meet this need, we formed a practice that focuses specifically on identifying the potential accessibility barriers at facilities.

The Accessibility Assessment (AA) practice, which is led by Andrew Chow, a Rick Hansen Foundation Accessibility Certification (RHFAC) professional, consists of trained accessibility practitioners, who have unique experience. The AA practitioners are detail-oriented, meticulous in their data gathering and use conventional and electronic measuring devices (distant meters, slope meters, force gauges, etc.) during the assessments.

We collaborate with clients and owners to meet project specific prescribed barrier-free design standards for the jurisdiction where their buildings are located across North America. We have successfully completed more than 1,000 AAs for institutions, municipalities and housing corporations and have collaborated with clients on priority matrices that address funding and/or life safety.

Read More about our Accessibility Practice

Equipment Inventory and Tagging

Equipment inventory represents the most granular dataset needed to develop excellence in facility operations. Yet, one of the hardest datasets for organizations to gather and maintain is an inventory of the equipment that is present within each building of a portfolio. The effort and resources to collect the data initially is significant and can often overwhelm internal resources. We collaborate with client teams to develop the desired dataset for their inventory project, including determining the specific types of equipment that will be included, and the data they wish to collect on each type of equipment. Armed with the desired dataset, our professional assessors visit each building and working closely with a site escort to find and document each piece of in-scope equipment. We affix a sturdy, resilient tag with a unique identifier as well as a barcode and/or QR code to allow for easy integration with a Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) and hand-held devices. The inventory data structure is designed to allow for seamless importing into whatever CMMS software you are using.

For clients that do not have the capacity to keep their inventory up-to-date, we provide Data Management support services

For clients that want to complete the inventory and tagging using internal resources, we collaborate to develop the desired dataset, complete a pilot-scale program, and provide client staff training on how to best affix tags to various pieces of equipment.

Energy Auditing

We work with organizations focused on greenhouse gas reduction targets as well as those simply looking to save on their utility bills. When working collaboratively we understand your goals and objectives of the audit and how it ties in with your overall asset management plan. This collaborative effort guides the process of achieving an audit that is exactly what you need.
We work collaboratively with clients to provide the following services:

Walkthrough Energy Audits (ASHRAE level 1) – A review of the building’s energy use, interview facility staff, walkthrough of the site, identification of low-cost opportunities and potential capital improvements. This level often represents a good starting point and can often be a baseline requirement for many green building certifications.

Detailed Energy Audits (ASHRAE level 2) – A detailed review of the building’s consumption including an energy use breakdown, interview of facility staff, detailed site review, identification of opportunities with analysis and calculated savings potential. This level is best used when trying to develop a plan for achieving reduction goals.