FCAPX completed approximately 100 BCAs for all City-Owned buildings within the City of Cornwall. The BCAs arebeing used as the basis for the integration of the buildings information into the City’s Asset Management Plan (AMP).
The buildings included in the project include City Hall, Police and Fire Halls, Libraries, Recreation Centers, Work Yards, Water/Wastewater Facilities, Solid Waste Management Facilities and Parks/Maintenance Buildings.
In addition to the BCAs. FCAPX completed an expansion and update of a 2014 AMP for the City. The original AMP only included Linear and Point assets. Our mandate included expanding the AMP to include Buildings and Fleet Assets.
To integrate the Buildings into the AMP, 95 BCAs were completed for all City-Owned facilities, which included Administrative, Transit, Parks, Recreation, Emergency Services, Municipal Works and Water/Wastewater facilities.
As opposed to simply adding on the two additional asset classes (Building and Fleet), the AMP underwent a major upgrade. Additionally, the AMP was linked to the City’s St and Official Plans to demonstrate the critical role that asset management plays in achieving the City’s strategic vision. A more detailed breakdown of all asset classes we developed for the plan, to better align with how the City manages its assets. Additionally, we moved from simplistic deterioration models for Linear Asset Levels of Service (LOS) analysis to a more robust process, driven by the City’s GIS system and internal asset management databases.
The AMP was presented to City Council in mid-November (2016).Additionally, the City expanded our mandate to include the development of a separate AMP for the Cornwall & Area Housing Corporation (CAHC), the local social housing provider.