History and Milestones of Our 10 Years of Growth and Success


Hitting the Ground Running in 2025

Hitting the Ground Running in 2025

We are back after our holiday hiatus! How are you feeling?   

Earlier in my career I had a tendency to saunter out of the holidays.  I would have been off for a week or two and even though I was recharged, it would  still take a while to get going after the break.   The problem with this approach I realized , if you too function this way,  is when you come out sluggish  in January it will be over before you even hit your stride and then you are one month down with very little accomplished.  That means you have to do 12 months of work in 11 to hit your goals.

Once I learned this lesson, the first step that I started to take  was to “prime the pump”. As the break was starting to come to an end I would work on my mental game and shift my mindset so I was like a sprinter in the starting blocks when I got back to work.  The upside was that I was pumped and ready to go.  The problem was that a lot of the rest of the world was just waking up from their holiday hibernation.  As a result, I was crackling with energy but I had no outlet for it to be put to work.

That is when I finally realized that the most important part of coming out of the holiday season is done before you go into it.  Once I got my energy right I had to make sure that in the period between US Thanksgiving (late November for those from abroad) and about the 20th of December I needed to lay the foundation for January.  Before I got into Business Development (I was a Project Manager), I had to make sure that my clients were ready for our teams to show up on-site in early January.  As I started to get more into BD I had to have a series of meetings scheduled in January, otherwise it was mid-February or March before clients could fit me in.  

I know it might feel like this message should have come earlier.  However, if you have been following our blog for a while, you might remember I went deeper into preparing for the future today during the Summer of 2024.  The purpose of this message is to help you put a stake in the ground (if you didn’t lay the foundation in late 2024) so that you make a change this year.  

Hopefully you put in the work and are off to a blazing start to 2025 and  I hope you will continue to read along as we head deeper into 2025.

Happy New Year to every one of you.  Let’s all go out there and MAKE 2025 an amazing year!!!!