History and Milestones of Our 10 Years of Growth and Success


School’s Out for SUMMER!!! – Part 1

School’s Out for SUMMER!!! – Part 1

As hard as it is to believe summer of 2024 is here already.  We are getting into the prime vacation season for folks around the world.  I hope that each of you have some exciting plans to look forward to between now and when the kids go back to school.

Although things can slow down during the summer months as more people take time off,  it can also be one of the most stressful times for people.  I always joke that during July and August we are all doing one of four things almost constantly:

  1. Preparing to go on vacation
  2. Going on Vacation
  3. Making up for being on vacation
  4. Filling in for someone else that is on vacation

Three of these four things can generally create more work and stress than normal as part of our “regular” work.  Even going on vacation, if you were not properly prepared, can cause some folks stress (this is a topic that needs more than a blog post to solve!!!).

For some, the summer is also one of the busiest times of year.  For example, in our business, summer is the time to “make hay while the sun is shining”.  We do a lot of work for schools and universities so it is easier to get on-site when there are no, or fewer, students on-campus.  Additionally, for our work in areas that get heavy winter weather, summer is the best time to travel and get on-site.  If you are like us, then the stresses of summer can be even more dramatic given the increased workload.

I thought that I would share a couple of tips that I use to limit the stress that vacation season can cause.  I am by no means an expert on disconnecting.  However, I have always been very committed to taking vacation days and finding time to reflect and recharge.  Hopefully these ideas will help you navigate the next few months.

To be honest each of these things can be extremely helpful at any time really, they just are even more important when so many of us are taking time away from work.

First, recognize that you are never going to get everything on your to do list done.  So, when you do go away don’t fret about what didn’t get done.  The best way to do that is to make sure you get the most important things done first and ideally before you step away.  To do this you need to have a clear line of site on what exactly are the most important things on your to do list.  There are literally hundreds of books and articles on how to prioritize your to dos.  I am not going to dive deep into this topic here but I will say is that you need to find a methodology that works for you and put it to work.

Now that we have set the table and gone over the first recommended, I will end it for this week and come back next week with a few more recommendations to make the most of the summer season.