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School’s Out for SUMMER!!! – Part 4

School’s Out for SUMMER!!! – Part 4

Well here we are a month into our series on maximizing the value of your summer vacation, and avoiding the added stress of the season due to so many of those around you also taking vacation at the same time.

The last three posts have shared ideas that I use, and that I hope you find helpful, to get the most out of the summer season.  However, I wanted to finish things off with a discussion on how to avoid “needing” a summer vacation as much in the first place.

As I have said earlier in this series, and in many other posts, I am a huge believer in the need to recharge your batteries to be more effective and productive at work.  Taking a well-deserved vacation is a great way to do that.  However, it shouldn’t be the only way.  If the only time you refill your tank is when you take a vacation you are putting a lot of pressure on yourself to get the maximum benefit from the time.

Earlier in my career, the only time I truly “got away” was when I was on vacation.  However, when you only get three or four weeks off a year, there can be long stretches where you are not renewing yourself.  This can wear you down very easily.

My last piece of advice is to find time to recharge as often as you can, daily if possible.  Again, I don’t want to prescribe specific actions you should take, I am recommending that you find little ways to relax each and every day.  Some people meditate, some read, some walk in nature, some exercise, some do many different things.  It doesn’t matter what you do, just figure out how you relax and find small ways to do it every day.  Call it microdosing relaxation if you want.

I find now that I consciously make time every (almost at least) day to recharge just a little so my battery never really runs down.  As a result, when I am going on vacation I am not feeling as worn down and I don’t need time to just “veg” before I can enjoy myself and the time that I have.

I am by no means perfect or an expert on this subject.  However, I have taken the time to experiment and have found things that work for me.  Ultimately, this entire post is really about being intentional in figuring out the most efficient and effective way to renew your energy and focus.

Have an amazing Summer of 2024!!!

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