History and Milestones of Our 10 Years of Growth and Success


City of Greater Sudbury



In 2020, the City of Greater Sudbury embarked on an ambitious Asset Management program aimed at comprehensively understanding the capital and maintenance renewal needs of its approximately 400 assets. The program involved conducting Facility Condition Assessments (FCAs) and Accessibility Assessments (AAs) over a three-year period. Contracted through FCAPX, a Division of Roth IAMS, collaborated with the City to execute this substantial project, leveraging innovative solutions and adapting to challenges along the way.


The primary objective of the project was to conduct FCAs and AAs for approximately 400 buildings, ranging from offices to medical care centers, storage buildings, recycling facilities, and fieldhouses. Despite challenges such as the COVID-19 pandemic, the project aimed to deliver accurate assessments within strict timelines.


In 2020, amidst the pandemic, Roth IAMS was tasked with completing assessments for 106 City-owned assets within an unprecedented three-month period. Assessors adhered to a Safe Work Practice (SWP) for COVID, ensuring safety protocols while conducting assessments. Asset condition data was captured using electronic handheld devices and later uploaded to the City’s Capital Asset Management (CAM) software.

In subsequent years, the project scope expanded to include mapping and uploading asset data, prioritizing asset elements based on observed condition, providing budget cost estimates for renewal, and conducting Equipment Inventory and Tagging (EI&T) concurrently with assessments.


The FCAs and AAs project exemplifies Roth IAMS’ commitment to delivering high-quality solutions in facility asset management. By overcoming challenges and leveraging innovative approaches, Roth IAMS enabled the City to make informed decisions regarding capital and maintenance renewals. This collaborative effort underscores the importance of effective asset management in enhancing operational efficiency and ensuring the long-term sustainability of infrastructure assets.

Project Types

Facility Condition and Barrier Free Accessibility Assessments

Project Dates

2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023

City of Greater Sudbury

Client Impact and Success

Roth IAMS’ collaboration with the City yielded significant results. By 2021, asset condition data was seamlessly integrated into the City’s CAM software, empowering decision-makers with actionable insights. The project success was further demonstrated by its extension in 2022 and 2023 to assess approximately 144 and 37 buildings, respectively. Despite challenges, Roth IAMS met the City’s expectations, ensuring accurate assessments and providing valuable information for asset management and planning.