History and Milestones of Our 10 Years of Growth and Success


Infrastructure Ontario



Infrastructure Ontario (IO) has entrusted Roth IAMS, operating through the FCAPX, a Division of Roth IAMS, with the critical task of conducting Facility Condition Assessments (FCAs) across various government facilities since 2018. Under a Standing Offer Agreement (SOA), Roth IAMS has consistently delivered services aimed at evaluating the condition, identifying weaknesses, and recommending strategic improvements for IO’s diverse range of facilities.


The project encompassed a broad spectrum of facilities, including Ontario Government Buildings, Correctional Centres, Courthouses, Forensic Labs, Land Registry Offices, OPP facilities, Forest Research Offices, and more. In 2019, Roth IAMS undertook a comprehensive FCA of the Thunder Bay Courthouse, employing techniques such as thermal imaging scans to assess the integrity of the roof cover and exterior wall systems. The objective was to pinpoint vulnerabilities such as wet insulation and inadequate sealing, thus ensuring the longevity and functionality of the infrastructure.


Roth IAMS reviewed subsurface condition reports to address concerns like the observed differential settlement at the canopy and paving stone walkways. The project’s success hinged on overcoming challenges such as historical preservation requirements, budgetary constraints, and the need for seamless coordination among stakeholders. Utilizing our proprietary SLAM software, Roth IAMS captured comprehensive FCA data, providing IO with actionable insights and a spreadsheet detailing Probable Cost Estimates (OPC) for necessary renewals over the next two decades.


The collaboration between Infrastructure Ontario and Roth IAMS illustrates the power of strategic facility management in enhancing the longevity and functionality of public infrastructure. By leveraging innovative technologies and industry expertise, Roth IAMS has not only delivered exceptional results but has also empowered IO to make informed decisions that safeguard public assets for generations to come. This story underscores the transformative impact of proactive facility condition assessments in fostering sustainable infrastructure development and ensuring the well-being of communities served by Infrastructure Ontario.

Project Type

Facility Condition Assessments

Project Dates

Standing Offer Agreement, since 2018

Infrastructure Ontario

Client Impact and Success

Roth IAMS’s diligent efforts have yielded tangible benefits for Infrastructure Ontario. By conducting thorough FCAs and offering strategic recommendations, IO can now prioritize maintenance, allocate resources efficiently, and extend the lifespan of critical assets.

Notable achievements include the successful assessment of historical landmarks like the Picton Courthouse and prominent facilities such as the MGS Head Office in Toronto and the Grenville Wm Davis Courthouse in Brampton. Through their partnership with Roth IAMS, IO has fortified its infrastructure management strategy, ensuring resilience, compliance, and optimal performance across its diverse portfolio of properties.