History and Milestones of Our 10 Years of Growth and Success


St. Lawrence College



Roth IAMS, operating through FCAPX, was tasked with conducting Accessibility Audits for St. Lawrence College in 2018. This work was facilitated through our partnership with the Ontario Educational Collaborative Marketplace (OECM). The audits aimed to identify and address accessibility barriers across three campuses: Kingston, Brockville, and Cornwall.


The primary objective of the project was to comprehensively assess the accessibility of buildings within the three St. Lawrence College campuses. Using structured checklists referencing the Ontario Building Code (OBC) and the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA), our team identified potential barriers hindering accessibility.

Additionally, assessments extended to functional spaces like classrooms and gymnasiums, integrating guidelines from the Facility Accessibility Design Standard (FADS) typically utilized by educational institutions.


Our team employed both conventional and digital tools, including slope and distance meters, to ensure accurate measurements during the assessments. Identified barriers were documented with accompanying photographs to support our findings. Furthermore, high-level improvement cost estimates were included in the final submission to address the identified accessibility issues.


Through our collaboration with St. Lawrence College and OECM, Roth IAMS successfully executed Accessibility Audits across three campuses, pinpointing barriers and proposing solutions to enhance accessibility. The project’s success is evidenced by the substantial improvement funding request generated, highlighting the tangible outcomes of our efforts. By prioritizing accessibility, St. Lawrence College reaffirms its commitment to providing an inclusive environment for all individuals within its community.

Project Type

Accessibility Audits

Project Dates


St. Lawrence College

Client Impact and Success

The Accessibility Audits conducted by Roth IAMS led to a significant impact on St. Lawrence College. The comprehensive assessment revealed over $5.0 million in improvement funding requests. By identifying and addressing accessibility barriers, the project contributed to creating more inclusive environments across the college campuses. Students, staff, and visitors with disabilities can now navigate the facilities with greater ease and confidence, fostering a more inclusive and welcoming educational experience.