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Here, you will find a number of publications relating to Roth IAMS services, sectors and everything in between. Please contact us if there is something more specific you are looking for. Topic categories are as follows:


Maximizing Your Conference Experience: Tips for Facility and Asset Managers

Roth IAMS Ltd.

2025 Conference season is kicking off for us this month.

Whether you’re a seasoned conference-goer or attending your first event, conferences provide invaluable opportunities to learn, network, and grow. However, the key to truly maximizing your investment—of time, money, and energy—is preparation. Based on our experience we are sharing some actionable tips to ensure you get the best out of your conference experience.


Reinventing the Dreaded Budgeting Process How to Build a Successful Multi-Year Capital Renewal Program

Roth IAMS Ltd.

When working on developing capital plans, it’s essential to understand the difference between a project and a program. Both strategies aim to maximize the value of limited capital renewal dollars but have distinct approaches.


Project vs. Program – A Quick Guide

Roth IAMS Ltd.

When working on developing capital plans, it’s essential to understand the difference between a project and a program. Both strategies aim to maximize the value of limited capital renewal dollars but have distinct approaches.


What’s the Difference Between Capital and Maintenance Planning Data

Roth IAMS Ltd.

In recent conversations with clients, a common theme has emerged: confusion over the difference between datasets used for capital planning versus maintenance planning. Here are some key points that may clarify the distinctions.


What Is CRV and Why Is It Important

Roth IAMS Ltd.

Understanding the Current Replacement Value (CRV) of a building is essential for facility managers, insurance appraisers, and financial institutions. This metric helps determine the Facility Condition Index (FCI), which is vital for asset management and financial risk assessment.


How Infrastructure Asset Management Helps Keep Things Running Smoothly

Roth IAMS Ltd.

Infrastructure asset management is a critical component in ensuring the sustained and efficient operation of essential public systems, including transportation networks, utilities, and public facilities.


What Is Cyclical Renewal and Why Should I Care

Roth IAMS Ltd.

When When determining the forecasting horizon or evaluation period for Facility Condition Assessments (FCAs) and projecting future renewal needs, it’s important to address cyclical renewals, especially for long-term forecasts (over 20 years).


Why are Facility Condition Assessments (FCAs) Valuable to Your Sustainability Efforts

Roth IAMS Ltd.

This RothNotes guide provides a concise overview of how Facility Condition Assessments (FCAs) play a crucial role in driving sustainability efforts on campuses.


Making Deferred Capital Renewal and Maintenance Appealing

Roth IAMS Ltd.

Challenge Deferred Capital Renewal and Maintenance (DCRM) often takes a backseat to the allure of new construction, leaving essential upkeep neglected. By understanding why maintenance often falls by the wayside and identifying strategies to make it more appealing, organizations can ensure long-term success and stability.


How to Secure Funding for Capital Renewal and Maintenance Projects

Roth IAMS Ltd.

Securing funding for capital renewal and maintenance projects is a challenge many facility managers face. However, with the right approach, you can increase your chances of getting the support you need.


Operations & Maintenance

Navigating CMMS Challenges: From Frustration to Optimization

Roth IAMS Ltd.

Many facility managers express dissatisfaction with their CMMS (Computerized Maintenance Management System). Complaints range from being outdated and overly complicated to failing to provide the necessary data. Consequently, there’s often talk about replacing these systems with newer, better options.


Good News: U.S. Cities and States Are Stepping up in 2022 to Address School Facility Deferred Maintenance

Roth IAMS Ltd.

Most of the literature on K-12 facility deferred maintenance, throughout the USA, appears to be substantively negative when it comes to the backlog of deferred maintenance at public schools. However, not all of the news is negative or pessimistic. This week, I wanted to find some good news to share with those who are subscribed to this bi-weekly newsletter.


Question of the Week: What Are the Risks for 40-60 Year-Old Facilities?

Roth IAMS Ltd.

Many schools requiring the most attention fall into the category of 40-60 year-old facilities. This is the age, within facilities, that major renovation should be considered. Problems emerge with issues related to modernization, utilization, and operation that make a cosmetic remodel no longer adequate.

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Ayden Townsend, Roth IAMS Ltd.

As the March 31 reporting period approaches, District School Boards (DSBs) are faced with the task of reconciling their year-to-date capital project expenditures with EFIS (Education Financial Information System), by May 15, 2020, in order to receive their allocation of SCI (School Condition Improvement) funding.



By William (Bill) Roth, Roth IAMS Ltd., FCAPX and SLAM Technologies Ltd.

For decades, Property and Asset Managers have been developing Capital Renewal Strategies independent of their Maintenance Management Strategies for their portfolios in an effort to drive more value (i.e. profit, educational outcomes, reduced patient stays, etc.), out of their buildings.


Operational Excellence

Maryland Leads the Way in 2022 for K-12 School Funding

Roth IAMS Ltd.

This article is based on the Workgroup on Assessment and Funding of School Facilities, January 2022. This report was based on a recommendation of the Knott Commission in 2018 and was delayed in 2019-2021. This report builds upon the 21st Century School Facilities Act of 2018.

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By William (Bill) Roth, Roth IAMS Ltd., FCAPX and SLAM Technologies Ltd.

The beginning of a new year and a new decade is the perfect time to consider tackling an important issue for all Asset and Facility Managers. Do you find it challenging to set realistic expectations for the results of your capital renewal program? If you do, you are not alone.


Asset Management

Data Validation vs. Building Type Models Why Precision Matters

Roth IAMS Ltd.

This paper explores why validated data models are superior to building-type models and how the shift toward precision-based approaches is transforming facility planning and decision-making.


April 22, 2024

What Facility Condition Dataset Is Right for You – Supplemental Whitepaper

Bill Roth, Roth IAMS Ltd.

This document is meant to serve as a companion to the Roth IAMS webinar of January 25, 2024, on ‘Which FCA Dataset is Right for You’. We are going to provide a sample of element-level data that is typically included in each of the five different datasets reviewed on the webinar.


Apr. 22, 2024

Which Facility Condition Dataset is Right For You

Bill Roth, Roth IAMS Ltd.

In this paper I will share some of those ideas so that others struggling with these critical decisions may benefit from the discussions that I have had and feedback that I have received.

The type of condition dataset that will make the most sense for you and for your organization will be based on a few factors including:
• Where you are in your asset management journey.
• The story you are trying to tell.
• The resources you have available to utilize and leverage the data into the future.


Growing Old: Six Risk of Aging Facilities

Kyle Christiansen, Roth IAMS Ltd.

For many facility managers, the risks and costs of facilities entering mid to old age, is new territory. Facilities that are reaching 40 to 60 years old are facing a new stage of capital investment that many are not prepared for. Hidden systems are often referred to as infrastructure, including plumbing, electrical, elevator, live-safety, and HVAC distribution systems.


What is MUSH and Why does it Matter?

Kyle Christiansen, Roth IAMS Ltd.

In the architectural world, MUSH is a group of 4 institutional sectors that include Municipalities, Universities, Schools, and Hospitals. The MUSH sector represents a very large portion of our country’s facilities, possibly numbering in the millions. Most of us know these public sector buildings as being central to our corporate life.


Are You Managing Your Facilities or Are Your Facilities Managing You?

Roth IAMS Ltd.

I had an epiphany. After working from home for years overseeing hundreds of people across time zones, I realized I’m not working from home, I’m living at work. How about you? Are you managing your facilities or are your facilities managing you?

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Collaborative Procurement

Facility Conditions Assessment

How to Navigate the Facility Condition Assessment Industry. Consistent and Defensible Data – Why it Matters.

Roth IAMS Ltd.

Capital Planning has little to offer without consistent and defensible data. What Facility Manager or Asset Manager would make financial decisions without consistent and defensible data. Today, in a conversation with a former facility manager turned facility assessor, I heard the following statement of exasperation of managing complex data involved in facility management.


Current Replacement Value – The Forgotten Half of the FCI

Bill Roth, Roth IAMS Ltd.

This white paper focuses on Current Replacement Value (CRV) and its importance in allowing organizations to benchmark their portfolios using Facility Condition Indices (FCIs). While there are other methodologies that organizations have used, this paper will highlight the four most common ones, based on our experience.


Are you Planning to Start, Complete, or Revisit a FCA Study of Your Facilities in 2023?

Roth IAMS Ltd.

On October 13, 2022, Roth IAMS presented a webinar for APPA, Association of Physical Plant Administrators – for educational facilities, on the following topic: 2023: Why Now is the Best Time to Conduct a Facility Condition Assessment of your Educational Facilities.


Who Is Qualified to Conduct a Facility Condition Assessment?

Roth IAMS Ltd.

Why does the ASTM E2018-15 Baseline Guide for Property Condition Assessment focus on experience rather than professional license when conducting a property or facility condition assessment? The following is an overview of an assessment gone bad – using licensed professionals who are inexperienced in Facility Assessment.

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Is your Organization Planning to Conduct Facility Condition Assessments in 2022?

Roth IAMS Ltd.

Use Sourcewell and save time and money by combining the buying power of more than 50,000 government, education, and non-profit organizations. Sourcewell holds hundreds of competitively solicited cooperative contracts ready for use.

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Prioritized Capital Planning

Where Does School Facility Funding Come From?

Roth IAMS Ltd.

How many fire sticks can one facility manager keep in the air? It would be easy to give up. But where would that get us? Sticking our head in the sand and wishing that school facilities would be a ticket to failure.


Understanding Your Client’s Risk Management Goals. This Week’s Focus: Preventative Maintenance

Kyle Christiansen & Brenton Wier, Roth IAMS Ltd.

The primary focus of the FCA is to develop a defensible budget and set of priorities. An FCA is a broad overview of overall building condition with recommendations for lifecycle and condition-based replacements of building assets. However, there are additional goals that can be integrated with the execution of an FCA. The FCA is typically regarded as a capital planning tool, but with a modest enhancement to the scope of work, the FCA can play a vital role in preventative maintenance.



By William (Bill) Roth, Roth IAMS Ltd., FCAPX and SLAM Technologies Ltd.

In today’s complicated world of aging infrastructure and constrained funding, the most critical question Asset Managers need to answer is “Which High is Higher than High?”.



Tim Robins, L.I.F.T. Management Solutions & William (Bill) Roth, Roth IAMS Ltd.

Across all sectors of the facility asset management industry we have consistently heard organizations displeasure with their budgeting process. We would like to introduce you to a different approach that we have developed that has improved overall capital investment decisions, while reducing the burden and stress on the team members involved.



Accessibility Matters

Norman Lobo & Andrew Chow, Roth IAMS Ltd.

Accessibility is a human right, which means that an individual, irrespective of their abilities should, at a facility, be able to maneuver the path of travel and access the amenities at the facility, barrier-free and with dignity.